We do our best to make sure our clients have all of the information they need to ensure a safe and clean water supply. Knowledge handed down, and information using the most up to date technology makes our clients feel secure knowing that their water source can be relied on.
What about drilling through the basement wall?
We include the drilling and recementing of the wall in our pump package.
Can I have a well drilled but not install a pump until later?
A well can be drilled and capped without a pumping system being installed for years. The average time span between having a well drilled and the pump installed in a new home is six to eight weeks. However, the hook-up can be performed the next day or the next year.
Who is responsible for the mess in my yard?
Although we try to keep the mess to a minimum, there are always going to be some mud, ruts, and cuttings after a well is drilled. The homeowner is responsible for the reclamation of the area after the well is drilled. A backhoe operator may be able to assist with this repair at the time the ditch is dug and backfilled for pump installation.
What about the electrical connection?
Most submersible pumps use 230-Volt power. A pump installer will be able to attach an existing wire that has already been run by a qualified electrician. However, if any adjustments to the power supply must be made, we will suggest that a qualified electrician is called in.
What about financing?
We have a thirty-day payment schedule before your invoice is due; for anyone financing through a bank or mortgage company, they usually take longer. If this is the case, discuss this matter with our accounting department so that you can get an extension. We have available several ways to pay for your account; they are listed on our “Credit Terms” sheet. If there is an extended time period between the drilling of your well and the installation of your pump, two separate invoices will be sent out.
What about drilling through the basement wall?
We include the drilling and recementing of the wall in our pump package.
Can I have a well drilled but not install a pump until later?
A well can be drilled and capped without a pumping system being installed for years. The average time span between having a well drilled and the pump installed in a new home is six to eight weeks. However, the hook-up can be performed the next day or the next year.
Who is responsible for the mess in my yard?
Although we try to keep the mess to a minimum, there is always going to be some mud, ruts, and cuttings after the well is drilled. The homeowner is responsible for the reclamation of the area after the well is drilled. A backhoe operator may be able to assist with this repair at the time the ditch is dug and backfilled for pump installation.
What about the electrical connection?
Most submersible pumps use 230-Volt power. A pump installer will be able to attach an existing wire that has already been run by a qualified electrician. However, if any adjustments to the power supply must be made, we will suggest that a qualified electrician is called in.
What about financing?
We have a thirty-day payment schedule before your invoice is due; for anyone financing through a bank or mortgage company, they usually take longer. If this is the case, discuss this matter with our accounting department so that you can get an extension. We have available several ways to pay for your account; they are listed on our “Credit Terms” sheet. If there is an extended time period between the drilling of your well and the installation of your pump, two separate invoices will be sent out.
My water stinks, what can it be?
Odour can be caused by several things. The most common odour is a rotten egg or sulphur smell. This odour, as well as others, is usually caused by hydrogen sulfide gas (H2S) or in some instances by manganese, hydrocarbons, or a buildup of iron precipitate in the hot water heater. There are treatment options available for treating odour, some as simple as chlorinating the water source or hot water heater.
My clothes are stained and yellow, what can I do?
Staining of this type is usually caused by iron. The use of chlorine (javex) will only make this stain more pronounced. Products such as yellow out are a short-term solution; however, the water source should be tested and treated appropriately to avoid recurrence.
I can’t make a good cup of tea with my water!
This is a very common question and is usually associated with the amount of mineral in the water. Water that is high in mineral content cannot saturate the tea or the milk and ends up curdling in extreme cases. A water analysis would be required to identify the problem minerals such as hardness, iron, chlorides, etc.
What is the slime in my toilet tank?
The toilet tank can seem greasy which is caused by mineral. However, if you have a slimy gelatinous substance, this is usually caused by iron bacteria. Iron bacteria actually grows in the well and spreads to cover areas where water collects. Treatment is available but should not be initiated until bacterial iron is positively identified.
I have black specs in my water, what are they?
Black specs can be caused by oxidized manganese, grit, or coal. A sample of the flaking should be brought to your treatment rep along with a sample of your water.
My kettle has a buildup and I have a bathtub ring!
This is usually caused by hard water which forms a scale in the kettle or scum on the water.
What if I notice a greenish or blue stain on my faucets or copper pipe?
The stain is a result of water that has a low pH. Such water becomes aggressive and leaches the solder or copper from the water, thus leaving the stain.
I have a high blood pressure, can I still use treated water?
Only water softeners use salt. Although today's softeners use the sodium more efficiently, it is possible that the sodium level in the water will increase. There are other types of treatment available; a different tap can be made available for drinking water purposes, or water can be treated at the tap to provide bottled water quality, such as an RO or distiller. There is also a newer type of salt alternative available in the market for use in water conditioners.
What if I have bacteria in my water?
There are two types of bacteria, fecal and coliform. Fecal is sewage or waste products; coliform is less serious and more common, resulting from stagnant water, runoff, bugs, or organic material. It is preferable to find the source of the contamination to correct the problem. If this is not possible, treatment can be used to kill the bacteria effectively.