Water wells
Geothermal wells
Environmental wells
Municipal wells
Industrial wells
We are a complete “start to finish” company offering exceptional well drilling, pump installation, water treatment equipment and service.

Water Well Drilling On Cape Breton Island
With over 75 years of combined experience in the industry, you can count on us to do it right the first time, check for any governmental or municipal restrictions, and clearly explain to you the process.
We access for you all the well drilled reports in Nova Scotia with the help of NSDOE. These reports tells us if there is water available throughout the area, how deep we can drill the wells, and in some instances the chemistry of the water.
All our professionals will be able to answer questions with regard to the well drilling act, safe distances to boundary lines, septic systems, and sump holes.
Whether you’re interested in a well-grounded geothermal well or a water treatment system, we’re the smart choice.
Step by Step, We Explain To You The Process
When your well is first drilled, you can always notice a muddy area with a piece of casing pipe sticking out about two feet above the ground level. We will always recommend calling the backhoe to dig the ditch from the well to the building. Usually, the ditch should be three and a half to four-feet deep and large enough for one man to work in.

In addition to drilling your well, George Rudderham Well Drilling also provides water well pumps installation and repair services.
We work as a team and will be present for each job, ensuring that the work is done right the first time.
No matter what type of issue you have with your water well, we will fix it as quickly as possible.